Monday, February 4, 2013

A New Hope

It must be nearing springtime because the monsoon rains are afoot. It has rained quite a bit  here in Littletown the past few days. It seems that Mainers are better at driving in snow than in rain, which is weird. I remember driving through hurricane-like rains on my way to school thinking "my god, can't you snowbirds go any faster?! I'll be late for class!". But I digress. The good news is that there is VERY LITTLE snow! Huzzah!

My spirit is soothed a bit now that I can look out my window and actually that green stuff on the ground. What's it called, again? Oh right, grass! I love being able to see the greens of nature, it is so comforting now. I feel like (for now) I have entered the awesome world of Technicolor, and stepped into Oz. With the snow everywhere, life is conducted in shades of gray. Dull, really. Like a young kid back in the 50's whose parents have finally bought a color television, I can finally see things in color. 

Of course this is bad news for those who enjoy snowy outdoor sport. Sorry guys, but I'm not sorry. Snowmobiling is out of the question now, as there is no snow. Snowshoeing is also out. But hey, now you can use those tennis rackets for other activities! 

I cannot fully express to you how excited I am about warmer weather. I'm a Floridian, and I just can't take the bitter cold. One step outside, and it's like I've spotted Medusa or something-- I just turn to stone. Instant human popsicle. I can't wait for the rest of this snow to melt, and for the trees to turn all lovely and green again. For the sun to come out every day and make everything warm. I often get jealous of my friends still living in Florida. They can head to the beach at any time and lay on the sand or swim in the enormous salty bath that is the ocean. Must be nice, guys! Although I can't do either of those things at the moment, I am grateful that the sun is shining today and that the winter weather has paused, even if just for a moment. 

Be thankful for the little things, readers. See you next time.