Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Can you repeat that?

No matter where one travels in the United States, one will invariably encounter new words. Every city and state has it's own language. I remember when I first moved to North Carolina, I couldn't understand what anyone was saying. But that was mostly because of the accents. Well, the same thing happened when I moved to Maine. I found myself constantly thinking to myself: "what the heck does that mean?". I would constantly have to ask people to repeat themselves. And then explain it to me. 

One piece of language that I will never forget is a derivation of the word "vehicle". You know, as in a car. I suppose it is more of a mispronunciation. I was having a conversation with a girl my age, mid-20's, and she was telling me about her car troubles. 
Hav'ta get 'er inspected. 
Rusted panels. 
Should'a never bought tha damn veericle in tha furst place.

I had to pause. Veericle? Surely you jest. 
But sure enough, that was what she meant to say. It's easy, just take the "h" out, and put in an "r". And there you go. This has been your first lesson on how to speak like a Mainer. 

Another juicy little nugget, and your second lesson, is the word "garage". Now you may be thinking to yourself, "how could you possibly make this word sound any weirder?". It's simple...add an "r"! And, like magic, you have "gararge". By the by, it's pronounced like: garahrge. Tricky, I know. 

Then of course we have the saying "you're gonna think so". Used mostly to reprimand, this statement can be used in all types of situations. For example, say your friend has placed a ladder precariously. It is bound to tip over! You might say to your thoughtless friend, "you're gonna think so when that thing tips over and you bust yer head!". Or perhaps you are a small child and have damaged your dad's most prized possession (I'll leave that part up to your imagination). Your mother is livid! "You're gonna think so when your father gets home!", she'll say. 
And that, reader, is our third and final lesson for the day. 
Stay tuned for more crazy colloquialisms and more on "From Away"! 

1 comment:

  1. This is sooo funny! I can believe the accent information folks, I have been there and witnessed the trurth of the siturartion!!
