Saturday, January 19, 2013

The Blogger and the Snow

Hey readers! Take a look at my backyard. I promise, it's there somewhere...probably underneath all of that snow. It's like a desert out here. The wind blows, and kicks up all the snow, creating a sand storm (but instead of sand, it's snow). Being out in the wind and snow and harsh cold makes me feel like I'm in a movie. Except I'm not Natalie Portman, and the soundtrack for this particular scene is my teeth chattering. 

However much I hate the snow, I am not ignorant to the beauty of it. Especially if I'm not actually IN it for very long. When the wind starts to blow, it creates cool patterns in the snow on the ground. Have a look. 

The last one looks like a weird melting skull, right? When I think about it, snow isn't ALL bad I suppose. Except for the cold, and when it turns to ice, or gets in your boots, or is all over the road when I'm driving. Oh yeah, and shoveling it--hate that. But aside from all those things, it does have some (sort of) good qualities. I guess that's part of being a Mainer: finding semi-good qualities about things that really suck. 

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