Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Back from the Dead

I know, I know. I've been gone for a long time. But hear me out. I went to North Carolina for a few weeks to spend the happy holidays with my folks. The weather: fantastic. My parents: awesome as ever. My time spent in somewhere other than Littletown: thank god. 

Let me just remind all of you that I do not come from a microscopic town. I'm from Florida, where the beaches are nice and there are actually people. Thinking back, I wish I had spent more time playing in the sand and enjoying the warmth of the blazing sunshine. Because right now I'm wearing two pairs of socks and I can't go outside my door without slipping on the two-inch-thick ice. Yeah. 

When I was back at home with my parents, I realized how little there is to do here in Northern Maine. In North Carolina there are hangouts aplenty. A movie theater with more than two screens. Enough variety of restaurants that you could go a year and never eat at the same place. Here in Little and Bigger towns...well, not so much. There's nothing for kids to do. No way to get out of the house and socialize in a fun way. 

The stark difference between the two places that I have resided is mind-blowing. Don't get me wrong, I am happy to have a roof over my head, food in my belly, and a partner who loves and cares for me. However, I can't help but feel that if we lived in a more enriching environment, our personal and professional lives would be blossoming like the flowers will when the damned snow melts. I feel like the people who live here would benefit from getting out and seeing what the rest of the country is like. What can they bring back to this itty bitty town that would benefit others?

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